Sunday, May 5, 2024


We have the best mixed nuts in town and I'm not talking about the denizens of this store or even yours truly.  The mix I'm talking about is new here and it is sublime.  We've had chocolate covered nuts, Marcona Almonds, and little cutesy packs of nuts for gift baskets for years but nothing like this.  This mix puts Planters to shame.  

So what's the key selling point for our nuts?  They contain the amino acid, tryptophan, that produces seratonin, the neurotransmitter that modulates moods.  They make you feel good.  Moreover, nuts are anti-carcinogenic by modulating the gut microbiome and reducing pathogenic bacteria.  They are heart healthy.  They lower blood pressure and since cardiovascular health includes respiration, breathing issues are addressed.  Remember the mood altering seratotin?  In a UCLA study dieters who ate nuts were more satisfied with their diets and still lost weight!  

If you are of a certain age you remember buying a can of mixed nuts only to find that you got mostly peanuts.  We have nothing against peanuts.  We like peanuts.  But it was ridiculous.  Now, thanks to the FDA, if a mix has more than 50% of one variety (peanuts) it has to say so on the can.   Our mix has zero peanuts.

So what kind of wine goes with nuts?  In our research we found recommendations of roses, champagnes and light dry unoaked whites.  But those recommendations came from the nut companies.  What do they know.  Drink anything you would like.

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